Monday, February 12, 2007

freewriting for a personal essay

There are so many ways to embark upon this composition which details a fascinating journey of discovery, understanding, jubilations and tribulations. Yet one soothes the purpose of ideas with which to be gathered and jotted as a personal essay on the life and experiences of Hamilton Marks, Jr. I consider this a literary experience of great magnitude, yet peculiar; for I am not one to reveal what is the content of my life. However, as a class project, I am compelled to such revelation. It has been said that “everything has an end and a beginning”. Thus, it is time that people begin to understand the mystery and depths of who I am.

Writing my personal essay, i will tackle the following, my personal experiences growing up as a child in Liberia, stories from others such as my mother and I. I will include history fact to support my composition flash images of the Liberin civil war.

I will includes themes of identity, suffering and jubilation, and i will present my life as a story.


Mauren Kadash said...

I agree with you that it so hard to reveal so much of one's self in writing. But, we are always learning new things about ourselves and I guess writing is one way of exploration. It sounds like your personal essay will reveal a lot about how the environment in which you were raised affected you and contributed to the person that you are today. It sounds like this is not going to be easy for you to write about.

S. Chandler said...

All right! You have set off on your literary adventure - bravely, even though writing in such a public forum may feel uncomfortable. At the same time, after talking to you in your conference, and reading your writing, it is very clear that you have important stories to share. You get to choose what you reveal and what you keep back, of course. But as a reader, I am eager to discover your perspective.